Committing to an expensive, two-week-long overseas trekking adventure can be a bit daunting; I get it. Back in 2016, when Holly and I made the decision to book Everest Base Camp for 18 months later, we had absolutely no clue how we would pay for the trip or how our three kids would be looked after. (They were 15, 14, and 8 at the time and we have no relatives nearby. We like to tell people that we simply turned them out into the backyard to fend for themselves.)

Somehow, we made it work. It would’ve been much easier to simply bag the whole idea and never go. Thank God we didn’t succumb to that temptation! That first Hobnail trip not only provided us with the experience of a lifetime, but was responsible for what our company has become today — a vessel for many other people to fulfill their dreams, too.

This brings to mind a man who lives in our little community — our kids’ martial arts instructor and a very, very nice man named Harry.

When we first launched Hobnail Trekking seven years ago, Harry was approaching 70. He attended our first Everest Base Camp presentation and, at the conclusion, told us that completing that trek was one of his life’s ambitions. However, years of taekwondo sparring had left his knees and feet in terrible shape, and there was no way he could handle the hiking. He had put off the trek until it was no longer an option.

Folks, every time we’ve encountered Harry since, he has been nearly in tears and riddled with regret for having not undertaken the EBC trek when he was physically able.

So, why am I telling you this? Because, if there’s one thing I’ve learned through the experience of owning this company, it is the concept of not waiting to do something. Harry would literally give anything to have the ability to hike — to trade places with you and me. But he can’t. He has plenty of money and time, but not enough youth and fitness.

Sure, blocking out 20 days of your busy life to complete a trek isn’t easy. It requires some sacrifice and effort. I promise you, though, you’ll never look back on the experience with regret. Conversely, it’s doubtful that, at the end of your life, you will recall any 20 days of work. An epic journey, however, will live in your memory forever.

Don’t wait for that mythical “perfect” time to do that bucket-list thing you’ve been talking about for years. Don’t end up regretting the things you didn’t do, but could have if you’d only made the commitment. Whether it’s completing a trek or running a marathon or taking your kids on a vacation, the time is NOW, not later.

Take it from Harry — later might be too late.



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