A few days ago, I was out hiking alone and thinking (always dangerous) and I had a bit of an epiphany: I believe that we, as a travel community, sometimes limit ourselves by adhering to the concept of the “bucket list.”

Now, I don’t have a problem with bucket lists in general; I think they are, for the most part, wonderful. As a matter of fact, our company tagline is “Ignore your bucket list no longer.” My problem is this — some of us tend to create our lists early in life, often on a whim, and become locked onto them forever, sometimes never to be fulfilled. Some folks say, “Well, I can’t go the X because I haven’t been to Y yet, and Y is on my bucket list.” And then, they end up doing neither.

What a shame!

Since we’ve been developing Hobnail Trekking, I’ve come to realize that there are many, many incredible locations in this world that deserve to be at the top of that mythical list, but often take a back seat because they simply aren’t as famous as others.

Look at Montenegro (pictured above) or Croatia or Slovenia, for example. This area of the world is AMAZING, but relatively unknown among trekkers when compared to Nepal or Peru or Tanzania. Another example is the Azores of Portugal, where Holly just recently visited. Or the incredible Scottish Highlands, for goodness sake!

Be open minded about the destinations you consider. Don’t limit yourself to only that place that you wrote down in some long-forgotten journal years ago. Sure, check it off your list, but also explore new places that you may have only recently learned about.

The takeaway? Neither ignore nor be a slave to your bucket list! Just go travel!


Folks, we're giving away a $100 REI GIFT CARD to the lucky winner. What's not to love about that?? We will draw Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024.

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