
Embark on an unforgettable adventure amidst towering mountains, rugged coastlines, and ancient forests in the land of William Wallace.


Northwest Highlands

This 10-day walking holiday takes you from Inverness through the northwest region’s most beautiful landscapes and captivating cultures. You’ll hike the iconic Munro Conival and summit the “Mountain of Birds.” You’ll embark on a boat cruise of the Summer Isles and explore the Isle of Skye, among others. Scottish adventure awaits!


Three Lochs Way

Named for the three stunning lochs (lakes) it traverses along its route — Loch Lomond, Loch Long, and Gare Loch — this 8-day/7-night adventure delivers the best of Scotland within an easy-to-moderate trekking itinerary. It’s a perfect introduction to hiking in this awesome country.


Folks, we're giving away a $100 REI GIFT CARD to the lucky winner. What's not to love about that?? We will draw Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024.

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